2 min read

Difference between Constant and Immutable Values


In Solidity, constant and immutable variables are both used to store values that do not change over the lifetime of a smart contract. However, there are some key differences between these two types of variables. In this blog post, we will explain the difference between constant and immutable variables in Solidity 0.8.16.

Constant Variables in Solidity 0.8.16

In Solidity 0.8.16, constant variables are declared using the constant keyword. Constant variables are similar to variables declared with the immutable keyword, except that they can only store values that are known at compile-time. This means that constant variables cannot be assigned a value at runtime.

Here's an example of a constant variable in Solidity:

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Example {
    uint constant public MAX_VALUE = 100;

In this example, we have defined a contract called Example with a constant variable called MAX_VALUE. The value of MAX_VALUE is set to 100 at compile-time, and cannot be changed at runtime.

Immutable Variables in Solidity 0.8.16

In Solidity 0.8.16, immutable variables are declared using the immutable keyword. Immutable variables can store values that are known at compile-time or at runtime, but once their value is set, it cannot be changed.

Here's an example of an immutable variable in Solidity:

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Example {
    uint immutable public MAX_VALUE;

    constructor(uint _maxValue) {
        MAX_VALUE = _maxValue;

In this example, we have defined a contract called Example with an immutable variable called MAX_VALUE. The value of MAX_VALUE is set at runtime in the constructor, and cannot be changed once it is set.

Differences Between Constant and Immutable Variables

The main differences between constant and immutable variables in Solidity 0.8.16 are:

  1. Assignment: Constant variables can only store values that are known at compile-time, whereas immutable variables can store values that are known at compile-time or at runtime.
  2. Modification: Constant variables cannot be modified at runtime, whereas immutable variables can be assigned a value at runtime but cannot be modified once they are set.


In this blog post, we explained the difference between constant and immutable variables in Solidity 0.8.16. By understanding the differences between these two types of variables, you can choose the one that is best suited for your use case and create more efficient and secure smart contracts.


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