2 min read

Error Handling


In Solidity 0.8.16, error handling is an important aspect of smart contract development. It is essential to handle errors correctly to prevent unintended behavior and to provide a better user experience. In this blog post, we will explain the different ways to handle errors in Solidity 0.8.16.

Error Types

There are two types of errors in Solidity: revert and assertrevert is used for runtime errors, while assert is used for logical errors that should never happen.

revert will revert the entire transaction and return the remaining gas to the sender, while assert will consume all the gas and cause the transaction to fail.

Handling Errors

To handle errors in Solidity, you can use the require() and assert() functions.

The require() function is used to check for input validation and other types of errors. If the condition in require() evaluates to false, then the function will immediately revert the transaction and return any unused gas to the sender. Here is an example of using require():

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Example {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public {
        require(amount > 0, "Withdrawal amount must be greater than 0");
        // Withdraw logic here

In this example, we have defined a function called withdraw() that takes an unsigned integer amount as input. The require() function is used to check if the amount is greater than 0. If it is not, then the transaction will be reverted with the message "Withdrawal amount must be greater than 0".

The assert() function is used to check for logical errors in the code that should never happen. If the condition in assert() evaluates to false, then the entire transaction will be reverted and all gas will be consumed. Here is an example of using assert():

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Example {
    function add(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) {
        uint c = a + b;
        assert(c >= a);
        return c;

In this example, we have defined a function called add() that takes two unsigned integers a and b as input and returns their sum. The assert() function is used to check if the sum c is greater than or equal to a. If it is not, then the transaction will be reverted with an error.

Error Messages

When using require() or assert(), it is important to provide a clear and descriptive error message. This message will be returned to the sender if the transaction is reverted, and can help them understand why the transaction failed. Here is an example of providing an error message:

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Example {
    function withdraw(uint amount) public {
        require(amount > 0, "Withdrawal amount must be greater than 0");
        // Withdraw logic here

In this example, we have provided the error message "Withdrawal amount must be greater than 0" to help the sender understand why the transaction failed.


In this blog post, we explained the different ways to handle errors in Solidity 0.8.16 using the require() and assert() functions. We also discussed the importance of providing clear and descriptive error messages. By handling errors correctly, you can prevent unintended behavior and provide a better user experience in your smart contracts.


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